In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research




Social cognition impairment and emotional problems are explicit characteristics of people with autism disorder and especially high functional autistic. Social-cognitive impairments are a grope of problems in interpreting of self and others emotion, social function, problem in making and developing of adapted and appreciated social relations. The objectives of this research include development of social cognition training program and its effectiveness for emotional skills (Reading, Interpreting, expressing) of High- Functional Autistic Children.
This research was an experimental research in which students who got more than 150 scores in autism high functional scale were selected as a sample by available sample method from all students who were access therapy and training in Tehran autism schools. From the 14 HFA,7 students in experimental and 7 in control grope were selected randomly. Social cognition developed program in 14 session (per session 2.5houres) were taught in Tehran psychology clinic. For the assessment of emotional skills situation, Baron-Kohen emotion test was applied.
The collected data were analyzed by advanced statistical method like repeated measures and analysis of variance. The results showed that all hypothesis of this research significantly were accepted.
The results showed that social cognitive training program (SCT-A), led to modifying and increasing the emotional skills and capability of HFA student in experimental group.


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