Aims and Scope
The Journal of Research in School and Virtual Learning (J Res Sch Virtual Learn), established in 2013, is a double-blind peer-reviewed quarterly journal, owned, managed & published by Payame Noor University, Iran. The journal publishes original research articles that lead to the novel knowledge, innovation and understanding of the field of Educational Science, Practice & Skills and Learning Processes. The journal scope includes but are not restricted to, the following areas:
- Cognitive Psychology and School Learning
- New Technologies and School Learning
- Motivation and Learning
- Normalization Questionnaires and Tools School Learning
- Aspects of Ethics, Values and Social Related to School Learning
- Memory, Forgetfulness and Learning Transfer
- The Modern Techniques and Methods of Teaching and Learning
- Independent Learner and Learner-Centered and its Role in Promoting Learning
- Distance Education, Virtual Learning and E-Learning
- Theoretical and Philosophical Foundations of Education And Learning
- New Methods of Evaluation in School Learning
- Classroom Management