Guide for Authors

Journal Forms

These are the different forms required for journal submission:

Ethical Conditions and Responsibilities of Authors

This section outlines the ethical commitments and responsibilities that authors bear in this journal:

  • Please refrain from visiting the journal office in person or making phone calls. For any inquiries, please email journalpnu@gmail.comor Your email will be reviewed and responded to within48 working hours.
  • If possible, please use Firefox or Google Chrome browsers in order of preference.
  • It is essential to adhere to fundamental principles of writing and research when composing articles. Submissions must formatted according to the journal’s guidelines; otherwise, the article will not enter the review process.
  • Authors must read the Author Guidelines and submission conditions for this journal before submitting their articles.
  • Please carefully review the plagiarism prevention policy and frequently asked questions.
  • For details regarding the journal's aims and scopes, refer to the journal's aims and scopes page; submitted articles must relate to one of the journal's themes.
  • Authors should be aware that submitted articles must not simultaneously sent to another journal. If this occurs, the journal reserves the right to reject the article or take appropriate action according to publication ethics.
  • The corresponding author must confirm the agreement and awareness of all co-authors regarding the submission of the article to this journal via the Authors’ Commitment Form (obtain journal forms).
  • All authors listed in the article and in the Commitment form must have contributed to the writing and composition of the article.
  • Acknowledgments and affiliations of authors must be included in the article, and any conflicts of interest among authors or organizations should be clearly stated in the Conflict of Interest Form (obtain journal forms).
  • Authors must transparently report any financial support received for the research (if applicable).
  • Each author allowed submitting only two articles per year; if any author has a manuscript under review or in press with this journal, new submissions will either be rejected or postponed to the following year in accordance with the same regulations.
  • Articles submitted by graduate students and faculty members of universities and research institutions should preferably sent from their institutional or university email addresses.

General Guidelines

The article must adhere to the standards of Persian language writing, being fluent and free of errors, as well as meeting the requirements for literary and scientific editing. Articles derived from theses or research projects should reformatted from their thesis structure into the format of scientific research articles.

When submitting the article, only the following four files should sent to the journal:

Article Structure

Important Points for Structuring each Sections of the Article

Title of the Article: The title should be concise and relevant to the content of the article. (Font: B Times New Roman, Title Size:14)

Abstract: The abstract in both Persian and English should be composed of a maximum of 250 words and must provide a clear and concise summary of the article, structured into sections: Objective, Methods (sample and tools), Findings, and Conclusion.

Keywords: Important Persian keywords for the article should be presented at the beginning of the article, after the abstract, with a minimum of 3 and a maximum of 5 keywords listed in order of importance. Their English equivalents should also included below the English abstract in the same order.

Figures and Tables: Figures, tables, and maps should placed in the text of the article as close as possible to their first reference point.

Conflict of Interest: Authors must explicitly state any potential conflicts of interest, such as receiving payment for the article or obtaining equity or shares in an organization that may arise from the publication of the article. If no conflicts of interest exist, the following sentence should added at the end of the article: "No conflicts of interest were declared by the authors."

Acknowledgments: This section should recognize all individuals who contributed to the study but are not listed as authors. Individuals who assisted in writing the article, methodology, and overall support should acknowledged here, and it is necessary to mention the name(s) of funding organization(s) that supported or provided financial assistance for the research.

Citation Method: All sources used in the writing of the article must listed at the end of article in English and formatted according to APA guidelines. Please note the following when preparing your references:

  1. a) In-text citations should be in Persian with English subtitles (if the source is in English) and preferably placed at the end of the sentence.
  2. b) Cited sources must be accessible to the reader and should be in the form of books, scholarly journals, or theses. Non-accessible and non-scholarly sources such as lecture notes should not use.
  3. c) The list of references should organized alphabetically in both Persian and English. For sources with an English version (title and abstract), a translation should be provided, while sources without an English version (such as Persian books) should use Roman script format.

To learn how to cite resources using this method, please refer to the following guide: APA Citation Guide (7th edition)

Formatting Guidelines for the Article

  1. The margin for the abstract should be set at 2 cm from the edges of the page, and the main article text should have a 2 cm margin.
  2. Download the Author Information file from here and enter the information of the authors only in this file (in Word format) to upload when submitting the article. Note that the authors' details and order must also registered in the journal system.
  3. Download the sample format for the main article from here and carefully compose the article according to this guide and submit it in the same format.
  4. Download the Conflict of Interest Form from here and upload it when submitting the article.
  5. Download the Authors’ Commitment Form from here, complete it, and upload it during article submission.
  6. The translation of the article's abstract into English is crucial for the evaluation of the article in this journal. Ensure accurate translation of specialized terms and consult someone proficient in English if needed.
  7. Always use (Ctrl + Shift +2) to insert non-breaking spaces in the article file. Additionally, your keyboard must be set to Persian language mode.