Saeideh Sabzian; Ezzatollah Ghadampour; Fazlollah Mirderikvand
Volume 5, Issue 3 , March 2018, , Pages 43-66
This study aimed to provide the causal model of academic cheating based on individual and contextual factors with the mediating role academic self-efficacy. Methods: This study was descriptive and correlational. Statistical population includes all upper secondary girl students in khorramabad citythat ...
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This study aimed to provide the causal model of academic cheating based on individual and contextual factors with the mediating role academic self-efficacy. Methods: This study was descriptive and correlational. Statistical population includes all upper secondary girl students in khorramabad citythat 9981 was of through the rules of thumb kline the sample size of 240 person determination and through stratified random sampling method were selected. To collect the required data from questionnaires academic engagement zerang (1391), academic ethics hosseini nezad & et al (1394), educational citizenship behaviours golparvar (1387), religious beliefs performance golzarei (1380), religious attitude golreiz & berahani (1383), perceptions of classroom quality Gentry, Gable and Rizza (2002), educational justice golparvar (1387), family emotional climate questionnaire of Hill Berne (1964), family adaptability shakeri (1382), family adaptability cohesion samani (1381), Morgan and Jinks academic self-efficacy (1999) and academic cheating aliverdini, janalizade & amrani (1394) was used. The correlation matrix, structural equation modeling and goodness of fit index with use of software lisrel 8.5 was used for data analysis. Results: The results of path analysis showed that individual factors on academic self-efficacy and academic cheating direct impact and with self-efficacy mediation indirect impact but contextual factors on academic self-efficacy and academic cheating has no direct effect but mediated by self-efficacy indirect effect it had. Also academic self-efficacy has no direct effect on academic cheating. Conclusion: The results of the direct effect individual factors on academic self-efficacy and academic cheating and the mediating role of self-efficacy in structural relationship between individual factors and contextual factors with students' academic cheating provides support.