Relationship between Intelligence beliefs and achievement goals with self-efficacy in students of Payame Noor University

Document Type : Research



The present study investigated the relationship between implicit theory of intelligence, self-efficacy and achievement goals (mastery achievement  and Performance- Approach achievement  goals) .this study is a correlation study. For this purpose from college student of Torbat Heidariye  Payame Noor University (N=4000) 400 college students  who were studying in humane and basic science were chosen by multistage cluster sampling. Three questionnaires were used: intelligence beliefs questionnaire, achievement goals scale and  self-efficacy beliefs questionnaire. In the current study we obtained a reliability estimate (Cronbach’s α) of 0/95, 0.97, 0/92, 0/70 and 0/93 orderly for entity beliefs of intelligence, incremental beliefs of intelligence, mastery achievement goals, Performance  achievement  goals and self-efficacy.
The data was been analyzed by using path analysis. The results showed that straight causal effect of entity beliefs of intelligence on performance achievement goals was positive and on self-efficacy beliefs was negative, straight causal effect of performance achievement goals on self-efficacy was negative. also straight causal effect of incremental beliefs of intelligence on mastery achievement goals and self-efficacy beliefs was positive, additionally causal effect of mastery achievement goals on self-efficacy was positive. The result also demonstrated that about 0/15 of self-efficacy beliefs variance has been interpreted by entity beliefs of intelligence and performance achievement goals and about 0/23 of its variance has been interpreted by incre-mental beliefs of intelligence and mastery achievement goals. In general, data suggested that incremental beliefs of intelligence have a positive influence on self-efficacy beliefs through the mediating role of mastery achievement goals.


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