Educational Implications of Derrida's deconstruction idea in Virtual learning

Document Type : Research



Poststructuralist philosophy as the governing philosophy of Western  societies provide the philosophical foundations of modern episteme-ology the increasing use of information and communication network which can be influential in E-Learning. This paper is a brief introduction to the post-structuralism episteme-ology seeks to deconstruct the idea with three philosophical implications used to describe E-learning. First impression, the inquiry focuses on the deconstruction involves some kind of interaction, interactive course that person is not with others but with self. Second impression on a possible consequence of reading the text emphasizes that multiple readings or interpretations of the text/ content by learner. This element is called when the text is magnified virtual space that can be interpreted as multidimensional replacement with one-dimensional interpretation .The third concept, Derrida's emphasis is on the Writing, based on e-learning. The learners can be use in written communication(text) document to reflect their views. So once again, It is proved that writing is of special status in education.


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