In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



This research is studying the relationship of critical thinking, with creativity, self-efficacy beliefs and academic performance in teacher - students in Farhangian university of Sanandaj city. The research method is descriptive – correlation. Population of research was 213 male and female teacher - student in three academic groups: humanities, science and mathematics that they have been chosen by stratified random sampling method. Three questionnaires were used for collecting data: California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI), Creative and General Self – Efficacy (GSE) and also average marks of students. Pearson correlation test, t-test and multiple regression test have been employed for analyzing data. The findings of research showed that there was not meaningful relationship between critical thinking and academic performance. Variables of creativity and self - efficacy beliefs are predicting critical thinking in a positive direction. Also there was a significant difference between male and female teacher - student in critical thinking and creativity. But there was not a significant deference between self - efficacy of male and female teacher - students.


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