Studying Effect of Question Type and Questions Processing Level in Recall and Recognition Tests on Students Memory Performance

Document Type : Research



In addition to the personal factors of memory, Test properties can affect the student's information retrieval. The research aim was to study question type effect and questions processing level on everyday students memory performance. The method of research was factorial experimental with two factors (question type and question processing level). By using random category sampling, 128 students in boukan payame noor university were selected and were divided to four groups, by randomly sampling. The groups have no different in Wechsler Memory Scale. The research instrument was educational text about quantum physics. Each of four group gets one kind of four tests (1-recognition/ surface processing 2-recognition/deep processing 3- recall/surface processing 4-recall/deep processing). Text and tests validity and reliability were confirmed. Results revealed that the effect of processing level on memory performance was significant (f=3.344 & p


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