Influence of Teaching Empathy on Aggression and Social adjustment of Girl Students

Document Type : Research



The purpose of this study is to evaluate the influence of teaching empathy on aggression and social adjustment of girl students of grade six in Yazd city. The method of research is semi-experimental and consist of experimental group and control group by pre-test and post-test. The samples were 62 girl students of grade six in Yazd that were selected by available sampling. They were put in two groups of control group and experiment group randomly and equally. First, both groups responded to questionnaires (pre-test) and then, the experimental group were trained the empathy within 15 sessions. Finally, the questionnaires (post-test) were completed again by both groups (post-test). Data were collected by using empathy questionnaires of Isenberg, Febs & et al (1991), Rater questionnaire about children behavioral disorder (1964) and Bus & Perry aggression questionnaire (1992) and were analyzed by covariance analysis test. Results showed that after controlling scores of pre-tests, there was a meaningful difference between two groups in their empathy, social competence and aggression and its aspects (p<0.01). The results from present study can improve the social adjustment and reduce aggression in students.


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