A Causal Model of the Relation between Achievement Motivation and English Language Performance: the Mediator and Meta Cognitive Role of Academic Help Seeking in learning by Cell Phone

Document Type : Research



English language learning like learning of any other language requires to have cognitive, Meta - cognitive, motivational, and behavioral capabilities. The purpose of this study is to provide a casual model which shows the relationship among language learning motivation, all types of help seeking behavior (instrumental, executive), English language learning through the mobile phone, and performance in English language course. The statistical population of this study includes: all high school female students in Shahinshahr during 1391-1392 educational years. Further, by using cluster multi stage random sampling, 250 students were selected for this study. Data collected through questioners of achievement motivation for English language (Schmidet and Watabane, 2001), help seeking dimensions (Verhastel, 2008), and mobile phone usage type and level, (Amraee, Zamani, Abedini, and Mirzaee, 1390). Later, by using path analyses statistical method, the data was analyzed. Findings indicated that, educational mobile phone usage has a mediator role related to all kinds of help seeking behavior, and performance in English language course. It was also observed that, all types of help seeking behavior has a mediator role related to achievement motivation for English language learning, and mobile phone educational usage. Thus, it can be concluded that mobile phone educational usage has a Meta cognitive role and it is considered as one of the self-regulatory strategies for time management.


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