In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



The aim of this study was construction and validation of the scale Amount and attitudes toward the use of social networks and it's relation with academic performance. To do so, 350 students (187 girls and 163 boys) of third-grade high school students, in region 5 of Tehran, were selected through stratified random sampling that responded to researcher-made questionnaire of using social networks. Data obtained by exploratory factor analysis with principal components and varimax rotation, Cronbach's Alpha and Pearson correlation, multiple regression and analysis of variance were used. On stage construction of the scale, after confirming the validity, content validity, exploratory analysis with principal components and varimax rotation the ultimate tool 30 questions that lead to the extraction of two factors: attitude to the use of social networks, and the use of social networks. Scale reliability through Cronbach alpha coefficient for the subscales attitude towards using social networks 81/0 and for the use of social networks 88/0 and 91/0 were obtained for the total scale. Academic performance was considered as a method for the convergent validity. The regression's results showed that the amount of utilizing the social networks could predict 0/18 of the variance of academic performance. The results showed that the scale of the use of social networks has Favorable reliability and validity, and the amount of and attitudes toward the use of such networks performance plays a decisive role on students' academic.


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