Effectiveness of Phoneme Play on the Dysorthographia of Students with Learning Disabilities

Document Type : Research



The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the effectiveness of phoneme plays on the dysorthographia of third-grade primary school male students with learning disabilities. The research method was experimental with pretest-posttest and the control group. The population of the research included male students with disability to learn spelling in the third-grade primary schools in Isfahan. To do the research, 30 students with disability to learn spelling were selected among the population of third-grade primary school students in the City of Isfahan who had inclusion criteria with stratified random sampling and then, they were randomly divided into two experimental and control groups. Instruments for collecting data were the spelling test and Raven's Advanced Progressive Matrices Test for Children. The obtained data were analyzed with ANCOVA. The results of the research indicated that there is a significant difference between dysorthographia of the control and experimental groups at the level p<0.001. Therefore, it can be concluded that phoneme plays are effective on the improvement of students’ dysorthographia and it can be used as an educational and therapeutic method. 


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