In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



The main purpose of this study is to identify, compile and validate the Teaching and learning indicators in rankings of universities from experts, students and professors point of view. Data are collected and analyzed in the quantitative and qualitative form. In the quantitative step, twenty experts of Higher education in different disciplines were interviewed individually and in focus Group. Based on the qualitative data and through the open axial and selective coding, 21 indicators of Teaching and learning criteria were identified. In the quantitative step, with the participation of 360 students and professors of Mazandaran Azad universities, a questionnaire based on Likert scale was analyzed. In order to assess tool research validity, confirmatory factor analysis was used and in order to validate internal convergent, cronbach alpha and composite reliability were used. The results of the study indicate that 19 indicators is acceptable. Also Cronbach's coefficient alpha (0/78) and composite reliability (0/89) conform the correct validity of indicators.


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