In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



The aim of this study was provide a structural model of the Mediator of Self-regulation, knowledge and awareness in relationship between of attitude to information communications technology and empowerment to usage with manager in high school. The statistical population of this study was composed of 250 girl's high school managers in Isfahan; Due to the limited availability of census method was used. The research method was descriptive-survey. The research tool was a researcher made questionnaire based on variables with five components such as empowerment to usage information communications technology, knowledge and awareness of information communications technology, self-regulation in the use of information communications technology and the use of information communications technology has been established. The content validity was used in order to check the validity and the Cranach’s alpha coefficient was used to evaluate the reliability. Later, by using path analyses statistical method, the data was analyzed with SPSS and PLS software. Findings indicated that, attitudes toward the used of information communications technology direct effect and positive on the use of them, and this variable in turn direct effect and positive in their used. In addition, it was observed that these two variables the direct effect, positive on empowerment in their use of information communications technology and communication technology. Also, it was observed that self-regulation and knowledge and awareness of information communications technology were Mediator role in the relationship between attitudes to information communications technology and empowerment in using of them.


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