Farsi Version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory: A Psychometric Study

Document Type : Research


Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The main purpose of the present study was to investigate psychometric properties of the Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI, Chen, 2016) among Iranian teachers. In this correlation study, 329 female teachers completed the TEI and the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale-Short Form (TSES-SF, Schwarzer, Schmitz & Daytner, 1999). The confirmatory factor analysis method and internal consistency were used to compute the TEI's factorial validity and reliability, respectively. Also, in order to examine the construct validity of the Teacher Emotion Inventory, we computed correlation between different dimensions of TEI with different dimensions of the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale. The results of confirmatory factor analysis, based AMOS software, indicated that multidimensional structure of the TEI consisted enjoyment, love, sadness, anger and fear had acceptable fit to data in the teacher’s sample. Correlation analyses between different dimensions of TEI with different dimensions of the Teacher Self-Efficacy Scale consisted career achievement, career skills development, social interaction with students, parents and colleagues and coping with career stress provided initial evidence for the TEI construct validity. Internal consistencies for the scales measuring enjoyment, love, sadness, anger and fear were 0/77, 0/72, 0/82, 0/88 and 0/77, respectively. In sum, these findings provide evidence for the validity and reliability of the TEI as an instrument to measure teachers’ emotional experiences in the career achievement environments among Iranian teacher’s sample.


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