In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research


1 Ph. D Student in Department of Educational Administration Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

2 chairman of Iranian Educational Administration Association

3 Associate professor Department of Educational Administration, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor in Kharazmi university of Tehran


The aim of this study is to Identify Teaching/Learning Leadership Effectiveness components in the Secondary Schools, Using the phenomenological qualitative approach. The sample for this study consists 16 School principal, 15 teachers, 8 University faculty members, 7 student groups and 8 Selected teaching film. The data were collected by semi-structured interviews. The interviews continued to reach the theoretical saturation. To analyze the data, the inductive content analysis method with three levels of open, axial and selective coding was used. For more accurate analysis, MAXQDA software was used. The results of data analysis indicated 9 categories (dimensions) for Teaching/Learning Leadership Effectiveness. Training Delivery dimension consists of 22, Class handling  of 8, Planning and readiness of 7,Classroom environment of  9, Monitoring, assessment and following of 8, Cooperation, communication and professional development of 6, Teacher's Individual Features of 13, Participation and interaction of students of 13 and individual differences of 5 components. The results of this study indicated some criteria for the effectiveness of the teacher in the classroom as the leader of Teaching and Learning. By focusing on these dimensions, teachers can continuously measure and develop their knowledge and skills. Also, these dimensions should be considered by managers, supervisors and educational guides and officials and planners.


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