In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research


1 PhD Candidate Educational Psychology, school of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran.

2 Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Faculty of Educational Sciences and Psychology, Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Mashhad, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department Educational Psychology, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, University of Semnan, Semnan, Iran


Embodied Cognition as a perceptual experience claims all psychological processes are affected by the body morphology, sensorimotor systems and emotions. This study was an attempt to investigate the impact of metacognitive judgments and memory performance by sensorimotor experience of weight on word memorization. In this quasi-experimental study, 60 volunteer students were selected from among all undergraduate students of the Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences at the University of Semnan, and they were assigned into three experimental conditions. Then participants were tested with 50 nouns taken from Robin and Friendly norms (1986) and provided with Lightweight clipboard (250 g), heavy weight clipboard (600 g) in experiment 1, lightweight pillow boxes (9 g) and heavy weight pillow boxes (13 g) in experiment 2, and lightweight pillow boxes (13 g) and heavy weight pillow boxes (63 g) in experiment 3 to examine the judgment of metacognition and memory performance. The results revealed that heavy weight had the highest mean value at Judgments of Learning test and memory performance test in all three experiments. Also, analysis of variance with repeated measures in experiment 1 showed that light weight and heavy weight in the clipboards had a significant difference in learning judgment (P <0.01) memory performance (P <0.001). In test 2, light and heavy weight of the pillow boxes did not show significant difference in the judgment and memory performance (P <0.01). In experiment3, weighted pillow boxes showed a significant difference in memory performance (P <0.001) but there was no significant difference in learning judgment (P <0.05). The results of this study indicate that perceptual experiences can be affected by emotional and sensorimotor experiences. Hence, the findings of this study can help teachers to care about physical efforts that affect students' attention to memorization and remembrance. Also the results will help researchers, educational psychologists and course designers in future studies on this issue.


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