Validating the Persian Version of the Questionnaire to Measure the Level of Re-flective Thinking: Case Study of Teacher Education University

Document Type : Research


1 phd graduate in educational technology, tarbiat modares university, Tehran,Iran

2 Ph.D. in Educational Technology, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the factor structure, validity and reliability of the questionnaire to measure the level of reflective thinking.
This research is a non-experimental research that has been done by descriptive-analytic method. The population of this study were all students enrolled in the teacher training courses in the academic year of 2016-2017 in Tehran, a sample of 680 students were selected by Cluster random sampling and responded to the Kember et al(2000) reflective thinking questionnaire of which, 636 questionnaires could be analyzed. Data were analyzed using spss21 and Lisrel8.8 softwares.
The findings showed that the questionnaire had acceptable formal and content validities. The results of exploratory factor analysis by the principal components method, confirmed four factors named habitual action, understanding, reflection and critical reflection. These four factors account for 59.51% of the overall variance. For determining the factor validity, a confirmatory factor analysis was used which results showed that the questionnaire appropriately fit with data. All of the tests confirm the model (χ2/df=1/855As a result, it can be said that the translated version of reflective thinking questionnaire in studies related to professional development, among Iranian learners, is acceptable. This questionnaire can also be used as a learning and assessment tool.


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