In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University


This study examined Mediating role of psychological capital in the perceived Academic support and Academic citizenship behavior Virtual courses students of Shiraz University. Using stratified sampling method, 310 students were selected from virtual and correlation design. Survey of perceived Academic support (Sandrers & et al, 2005), psychological capital Questionnaire (Luthans, Youssef & Avolio, 2007) and Academic citizenship behavior Scale (Golparvar, 2010) were used to measure the focal constructs of this study and data were analyzed with path analysis. The results showed that perceived Academic support through the intermediary of Psychological Capital is an indirect positive effect on Academic citizenship behavior. Accordingly to the conclusions of the verification model fitness perceived Academic support, psychological capital and Academic citizenship behavior among virtual courses students of Shiraz University.
This study examined Mediating role of psychological capital in the perceived Academic support and Academic citizenship behavior Virtual courses students of Shiraz University. Using stratified sampling method, 310 students were selected from virtual and correlation design. Survey of perceived Academic support (Sandrers & et al, 2005), psychological capital Questionnaire (Luthans, Youssef & Avolio, 2007) and Academic citizenship behavior Scale (Golparvar, 2010) were used to measure the focal constructs of this study and data were analyzed with path analysis. The results showed that perceived Academic support through the intermediary of Psychological Capital is an indirect positive effect on Academic citizenship behavior. Accordingly to the conclusions of the verification model fitness perceived Academic support, psychological capital and Academic citizenship behavior among virtual courses students of Shiraz University.


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