In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. Student, Distance Education Planning, Payame Noor University,Tehran,Iran

2 Professor, Department of Educational Science, Payame Noor University

3 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Scince, Payame Noor Univercity


This study was conducted with the aim of standardizing the Pedagogical content knowledge scale of high school teachers in using digital games.The present study is a correlational study with the statistical population including all high school teachers in Urmia. In this study, two areas were selected randomly from education districts and then Questionnaires were distributed among high school teachers in district 2 using the relative stratified sampling method.To assess the Pedagogical content knowledge of digital games the questionnaire of Sue et al (2013) was used. Finally, the data were analyzed through confirmatory factor analysis statistical test. In confirmatory factor analysis, the goodness of fit indices showed good fit of the model. The results also showed that all items of Urmia High School Teachers' Pedagogical Content Knowledge Scale were acceptable in using factor loaded digital games.And none of the items were removed from the Sue et al.Questionnaire (2013). It should be noted that in the subscale of game knowledge, item 1 with factor loadings (0/779) , in the subscale of Pedagogical game knowledge, item 9 with factor loadings (0/745) , in the subscale of game content knowledge, factor 12 with operating load (0/761) is considered to be the most relevant items for each component of game knowledge, Pedagogical game knowledge, and game content knowledge. The Pedagogical content knowledge of high school teachers in the city of Urmia in using digital games has a good content and structural validity and can be used to evaluate the Pedagogical content knowledge of other high schools in using digital games.


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