Psychometric Properties of the Perceived Autonomy Support Questionnaire - Learning Climate Questionnaire

Document Type : Research


1 Ph.D. Student, Psychology Department, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran

2 Professor, Educational Psychology Department, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Psychology Faculty, Islamic Azad University, Central Tehran Branch, Tehran Iran


The purpose of this study was to investigate the psychometric indicators of the Perceived Autonomy Support Questionnaire. The sample size of this study was 200 first level high school students who were selected by cluster sampling method from schools of Tehran. The data were analyzed by SPSS and Amos (ver. 23). Findings showed that perceived autonomy support questionnaire has acceptable validity and reliability. The results of exploratory factor analysis by the principal components method, confirmed 1 factor accounting for 51.1% of overall variance. Confirmatory factor analysis showed that goodness of fit indicators (x2/df=1.867, RMSEA=0.066, GFI= 0.915, NFI=0.909, CFI=0.955) confirmed the model. Cronbach's alpha coefficient (0.925) shows a good internal consistency. The results of factor analysis and reliability test are consistent with the existing international studies. Considering psychometric properties, the perceived autonomy support questionnaire is a valid and reliable scale and can be used as an assessment tool in research and school settings.


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