Designing and Validation of School Student Education Service Model on the Basis Of Mobile Learning (ML)

Document Type : Research


1 PhD Student in Distance Education Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor of Distance Education Planning, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 Professor, Philosophy of Education, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

5 Assistant Professor, Educational Sciences, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study is to design and validate a mobile learning (ML) school student education service model. The research method is integrated and qualitative and quantitative. The statistical population in the qualitative section included university professors, experts in the field of transportation, and traffic police, including 30 people. Purposeful sampling was done through the interview process and the data collection tool, in addition to the interview, was a researcher-made questionnaire consisting of 57 questions according to Khan e-learning model, which after confirming the validity (judgment of experts and professors) and reliability (alpha Cronbach: 0.92). Then, the study entered the quantitative section in which 389 subjects (out of 560 participants) were selected as the sample size by simple random sampling through Morgan (1972) table. The collection tool in the quantitative section was a 29-item researcher-made questionnaire based on Khan model for taxi and school service drivers, which was distributed among school and taxi drivers after verifying its validity. Descriptive and inferential statistical methods were used to analyze the data. In descriptive statistics, the central index and dispersion such as mean, standard deviation and in the inferential part of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis at 95% confidence level with SPSS software. S18 and PLS version 3 were used. Based on the analysis of qualitative data obtained from in-depth and exploratory interviews and coding and analysis of the content of the interview text and in the meanwhile, their compliance with theoretical founda-tions, the results showed, that, the organizational di-mension with the factor of 0.589 for effective identi-fied factors in  taxi driver and school service training are most important and  technology with a factor load of 0.511 is the least important and other dimensions are in the next levels.


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