Construction and Validation of a Virtual Classroom Purposeful Management Questionnaire

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Psychology, University of Allame Tabataba’i, Tehran, Iran

2 PhD Student, Department of Educational Psychology, University of allame tabataba’i, Tehran, Iran

3 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

4 PhD Student, Educational Psychology, Kharazmi University, Tehran, Iran


The purpose of this study was  constructing and validating of purposeful classroom management questionnaire in virtual education. The statistical population included students of public and Payame Noor universities in Tehran. Convenient sampling method was used and sample size according to Morgan table for unlimited communities was equal to 384 cases. Researcher-made purposeful management questionnaire and the Dehghanizadeh and HosseinChari Academic Buoyancy (2014) were used for data collection. Exploratory factor analysis and first and second order confirmatory factor analysis were used to analyze the data. The content validity of the questionnaire was confirmed based on the views of experts and the criterion validity was confirmed based on the correlation coefficient with Academic Buoyancy. Exploratory factor analysis showed that the purposeful classroom management questionnaire have four basic components. First and second order factor analysis indicated that the four-dimensional structural of purposeful classroom management were valid. As a result, in a situation where face-to-face education is challenged due to crises such as epidemics, natural disasters or air pollution and teachers are forced to teach virtually, measuring the dimensions of purposeful classroom management and Receiving corrective feedback based on it can be a practical tool to improve learning outcomes.


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