The Explanation Model of Nonverbal Learning Disability by Neuropsychological Skills and Learning Disabilities in 8 to 12 Years Female Students

Document Type : Research


1 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran

2 MS.c., Psychology, Payame Noor University, Tehran, Iran


The aim of this study was to investigate the nonverbal learning disability relationship with neuropsychological skills and learning disabilities in 8 to 12 years old girl students. The method of the present study was a descriptive method of structural equation modeling. The statistical population of the present study included 8- to 12-years-old female students in Tehran in the 1399-1400 academic year. A sample with a size of 30 people was selected using the Klein method by observing the parameter ratio rule to select the sample size. The sampling method was one-stage cluster type. In the present study, the data collection method was a questionnaire that due to the virtual nature of data collection electronically in WhatsApp, the implementation of questionnaires (Goldstein Nonverbal Learning Disabilities Scale, Colorado Learning Disabilities Questionnaire, and Connors Neuropsychological Questionnaire). In order to the data analyse, indices and inferential statistics were used to obtain Pearson correlation coefficient and multivariate regression was used by SPSS software. Also, to analysis of research hypotheses, multivariate regression was used in structural equation analysis method in AMOS software. The results showed that the proposed research model for the research hypothesis had acceptable fit at level RAMSEA=0/09. It was also found that the correlations between factor variables (neuropsychological skills, with nonverbal learning disorders) with effect coefficients B=-0.76) at the level (p= 0.005), and learning difficulties (B=0/80), respectively was significant at the level (p=0.006). Based on which the research hypothesis of modeling was confirmed the relationship between neuropsychological skills and learning disorders with nonverbal learning disorders. According to the effect coefficients obtained in the model tested in this study, it was found that the correlation between factor variables (neuropsychological skills, learning disability) was significant with nonverbal learning disorders. In addition to the main variables, the correlation between components and factor variables were also significant. Based on this, the research hypothesis was confirmed. Therefore, neuropsychological skills and learning disabilities can be used to predict and prevent nonverbal learning disorders


Main Subjects

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