In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research


Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran.


The present study was conducted with the aim of investigating the structural relationship between basic psychological needs and academic enthusiasm with the mediation of academic perfectionism. The research method was correlational. The statistical population included all students of the second secondary level of Shiraz city, in the academic year of 1401-1400 with a sample size of 150 people. The tools used in this research were Desi and Ryan's Basic Psychological Needs Questionnaire (2000), Ahvaz, Najarian et al.'s Perfectionism Questionnaire (2004), and Friedrichs et al.'s Academic Enthusiasm Questionnaire (2004). The relationships between the structures of the proposed model were analyzed using the structural equation modeling method in AMOS software version 24. The fit indices of the proposed model indicated an acceptable fit with the data. The results showed that basic psychological needs have a direct and significant effect on perfectionism (P=0.01, =24) and academic enthusiasm (P=0.01, =18). Perfectionism also has a direct and significant effect on academic enthusiasm (P=0.01, =21). Considering the reduction of path coefficients, it can be said that perfectionism plays a mediating role in the relationship between students' basic psychological needs and academic enthusiasm. By discovering the relationships between the variables related to education, it is possible to prevent dropping out of school and academic failure, and suggest appropriate treatment models to increase the quality of their education.


Main Subjects