The Effectiveness of education based on multidimensional planning on the enthusiasm and academic vitality of among male

Document Type : Research


1 , Department of Educational Sciences, Bandar Gaz Branch, Islamic Azad University,Bandar Gaz, Iran

2 Department of Educational sciences, Bandargaz branch, Islamic Azad University, bandargaz ,Iran.


The present research was conducted with the aim of the effectiveness of education based on multi-dimensional planning on students' enthusiasm and academic vitality. It was a semi-experimental research with control and experimental groups. The statistical population included 898 7th grade male students in Bandar Turkmen, 25 of whom were randomly assigned to the experimental group and 25 to the control group. The data collection tool included the standard questionnaire of Dehghanizadeh and Hossein Chari's academic vitality (2013), Fredericks's academic enthusiasm (2009) and the intervention tool for teaching multidimensional planning based on Elahi et al.'s model (2014) which includes 8 sessions of 90 minutes. The data obtained from the collected information was analyzed using covariance analysis in SPSS24 software. Covariance results showed that education based on multidimensional planning has a positive and significant effect on the components of academic vitality (feeling seen, useful, ability to face challenges) at P<0.01 level. Education based on multidimensional planning has a positive and significant effect on the components of academic enthusiasm (behavioral, emotional and cognitive) at the level of P<0.01.


Main Subjects