The relationship between perception of school culture and subjective vitality with the mediating role of goal orientation and task value

Document Type : Research


1 Faculty of Payam Noor University

2 Faculty member of Payam Noor University


The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between the perception of school culture and the mental vitality of secondary school students with the mediating role of goal orientation and task value. The design of the descriptive-correlation research was structural equation modeling. The statistical population included all the students of the third grade of the second secondary school in the public schools of Khoy city in the academic year of 1402-1403. The study sample was 300 female and male students who were selected from a population of 1,280 people based on the Karjesi and Morgan table using stratified random sampling. The data collection tools were school culture scales (Higgins and Sade, 1997), goal orientation (Middleton and Migli, 1997), task value (Pintrich et al., 1991) and mental vitality (Ryan and Frederick, 1997). For data analysis, structural equation modeling was used using Lisrel software. The findings showed the positive direct and indirect effects of perception of school culture on mental vitality. The path of goal orientation has the highest direct effect on mental vitality; followed by the perception of school culture and task value was located. The path of perception from school culture to goal orientation and task value was significant. In addition, the perception of school culture on mental vitality also showed a positive and significant indirect effect. In general, the perception of school culture, while having a direct effect on mental vitality through the mediation of goal orientation and task value, showed an indirect effect in this field.


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