The Effectiveness of Direct Transcranial Electrical Stimulation Treatment on Quality of Life and Anxiety in Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Document Type : Research


1 Department of psychology, kish international branch, islamic azad university kish island, iran

2 University faculty member, Associate Professor, Department of Psychology, Payam Noor University, Tehran, Iran

3 Associate Professor, Department of Psychiatry, University of Rehabilitation Sciences and Social Health, Tehran, Iran

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Central Tehran Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran


The present study conducted with the aim of evaluating the effectiveness of transcranial direct electrical stimulation treatment on the quality of life and anxiety of children with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. This study was applied with a quasi-experimental design of pre-test, post-test, and follow-up with a control group. The statistical population of the study consisted of students (boys and girls) with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in special schools in Rasht in the academic year 1402-1403. The sample size of the present study was 60 people based on Cohen's table, with 15 people in each group selected through purposive sampling and then randomly assigned to two experimental and control groups. The research instruments were the Weir et al. Quality of Life Questionnaire (1988), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (1990), and the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Standard Questionnaire for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (1981). The data analysis methods were multivariate covariance and univariate analysis of covariance, and Tukey's post hoc test. The results of the study showed that transcranial direct current stimulation treatment had a positive effect on improving anxiety and quality of life in the experimental group (p<0.01), and these results also obtained in the follow-up phase, which was 2 months after the intervention. It can conclude that transcranial direct electrical stimulation treatment (transcranial electrical stimulation) is effective in the quality of life and anxiety of children with ADHD.


Main Subjects