A study of the relationships between learning approaches with student’s qualitative & quantitative academic performance

Document Type : Research



The aim of present study was to investigate the relationship between learning approaches (deep, surface and strategic approaches) with qualitative academic performance (self-efficacy, planning, motivation, emotional effects and lack of output control) and quantitative academic performance. The participants were 414 bachelor students of Yazd University (256 girls and 158 boys) whom were selected randomly. The instruments of study were Approaches and Study Skills Inventory for Students and Educational Performance Test. Cronbach alpha coefficients reported acceptable reliability of the measures. The average of total score of students was used to examine the quantitative academic performance. In data analysis, multiple regression analysis was used to study the relationship between variables. The result of regression analysis showed that deep and strategic learning approaches positively and surface approach negatively predicts total score of qualitative performance. Furthermore, all five components were predicted significantly by surface and strategic approaches to learning. Self-efficacy and motivation were predicted by deep approaches too. Another result is that deep approaches were not predictor of quantitative academic performance, but strategic approach in a positive way and surface approach in a negative way predicted the term average and total average of students. The results of this study demonstrate the importance of approaches to learning in quality of students' academic performance.


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