In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



Because of importance of critical thinking attitudes in humanities, the research aimed at investigating the portion of curriculum approaches prediction on students' critical thinking attitudes in them. Research population in the descriptive-correlation study included all students' humanities in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in during academic year of 2013-2014. 366 students were selected by using stratified sampling method via Morgan and Kerjcie's table and complete questionnaires. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic and regression analysis. Findings showed that among of six curriculum approaches, approaches’ systems, managerial, behavioral and academic not able to predict the students' critical thinking attitudes (p>0.05). But other two approaches including humanities and reconceptualist approach can predict critical thinking Disposition (F(1,364)=14/54 , P=0/000). To consideration of humanities role and reconceptualist approach in developing of students' critical thinking attitudes, suggests that human science going into nontechnical approach thus happen changes in humanities curricula.


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