In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



The aim of the present study was to examine the casual relationship of work hope and academic achievement with mediating role of academic motivation among undergraduate unemployed students. Three hundred and ten (190 males, 120 females) unemployed students were selected by cluster sampling from students of Islamic Azad University, Azadshar branch. The used research instruments in this study were Work Hope Scale (WHS, Juntunen & Wettersten, 2006) and Academic Motivation Scale (AMS, Vallerand, et al, 1992). Academic achievement of the students was measured by their grade-point average. The data were analyzed by using correlation coefficient and path analysis. The results indicated that work hope had indirect effects on academic achievement through academic motivation. There was a significant positive relationship between, academic motivation and academic achievement. Extrinsic motivation had indirect effects on academic achievement. Amotivation and intrinsic motivation had direct effects on academic achievement. The causal model about relationship between work hope and academic achievement mediated by academic motivation was confirmed. 


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