Providing a Causal Model of Perceived Learning on the Basis of Digital Games

Document Type : Research


1 phd student

2 Associate Professor, Department of Educational Scince, Payame Noor Univercity

3 Professor, Department of Educational Science, Payame Noor University

4 Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Since, Payame Noor University


The main purpose of this study was to provide a causal model of perceived learning based on digital games
among students of Secondary School in Shiraz in the academic year of 97-96 through path analysis. For this purpose, 600 students were selected by multi-stage cluster sampling method and a combination of questionnaires included recognition of Kaciopo and Petit (1982), Vandal and others (2001), Peckrun and colleagues' excitement (2005), the intrinsic flow of learning by Jackson-Wicked (2008) the second edition, the immersion of Brown and Forer (2010) and perceived learning by Rewell (2009) was used as an instrument for collecting data. The results of the study in general showed that the need for cognition by mediating the goal orientation, intrinsic flow, immersion and emotions has an indirect effect on perceived learning. Also,goal orientation through the excitement and flow has an indirect effect on perceived learning, immersion, and the need for cognition through the mediating emotions, immersion and flow on emersion and emotion variable by mediating emotions has also an indirect effect on perceived learning and immersion. The results also showed that the determined degree of variance in perceived learning in the fitted validated model was 42%.


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