Leila Nikrad; Ahmad Baseri; Hossein Bigdeli
The aim of this study was to develop a model of employee procrastination based on the amount of psychological capital (resilience, self-efficacy, hope and optimism) with the moderating effect of critical thinking in employees. The research method was descriptive and was a correlational design and structural ...
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The aim of this study was to develop a model of employee procrastination based on the amount of psychological capital (resilience, self-efficacy, hope and optimism) with the moderating effect of critical thinking in employees. The research method was descriptive and was a correlational design and structural equation modeling method. The statistical population included all employees of Parsian Bank in 1399-1400 with a volume of 2600 people and 300 samples were selected by stratified sampling method. Measurement tools were Saffarinia et al's organizational procrastination questionnaire (2011), Luthans et al's psychological capital scale (2007) and Ricketts critical thinking questionnaire (2003). Data analysis was performed using SPSS25 software and LISREL software. According to the results, the factor load of the direct path of the effect of the psychological capital variable on the procrastination variable was not significant, but with the mediation of the critical thinking variable, this path became significant. Then, in order to modify the model, the paths whose factor load was not significant were removed. Finally, the modified model had a good fit. In the final model, all factor loads were significant, which showed a strong relationship between the observed variables and latent variables. According to the results, it can be said that the more psychological capital and critical thinking a person has, the less procrastination he will have.
Somayeh Yosefi; masumeh bagherpur
The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of education based on multiple intelligence theory on problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills of male students. The research was semi-experimental and was pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population included ...
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The purpose of this study was to investigate the effectiveness of education based on multiple intelligence theory on problem-solving skills and critical thinking skills of male students. The research was semi-experimental and was pre-test and post-test with control group. The statistical population included 375 students of elementary school boys in Gorgan city who were randomly assigned to 15 subjects in the experimental group and 15 in the control group. The data gathering tool was Hepner and Petersen problem-solving questionnaire (1982) and Retex's critical thinking (2003). The intervention tool was training course of multiple intelligence model in 12 sessions of 45 minutes. The collected data were analyzed using covariance analysis in SPSS22 software. The results of covariance showed that multiple-based education program affects the dimensions of problem solving skills and critical thinking. Therefore, students' achievements are enhanced and they create a positive attitude in dealing with issues. It also enriches and enhances learning in students.
Hosein Jafari Sani; seyed Kazem Alavi Langrodi; Hamideh Pakmehr
Volume 3, Issue 12 , May 2016, , Pages 37-46
Because of importance of critical thinking attitudes in humanities, the research aimed at investigating the portion of curriculum approaches prediction on students' critical thinking attitudes in them. Research population in the descriptive-correlation study included all students' humanities in Ferdowsi ...
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Because of importance of critical thinking attitudes in humanities, the research aimed at investigating the portion of curriculum approaches prediction on students' critical thinking attitudes in them. Research population in the descriptive-correlation study included all students' humanities in Ferdowsi University of Mashhad, Iran in during academic year of 2013-2014. 366 students were selected by using stratified sampling method via Morgan and Kerjcie's table and complete questionnaires. Data was analyzed by descriptive statistic and regression analysis. Findings showed that among of six curriculum approaches, approaches’ systems, managerial, behavioral and academic not able to predict the students' critical thinking attitudes (p>0.05). But other two approaches including humanities and reconceptualist approach can predict critical thinking Disposition (F(1,364)=14/54 , P=0/000). To consideration of humanities role and reconceptualist approach in developing of students' critical thinking attitudes, suggests that human science going into nontechnical approach thus happen changes in humanities curricula.
Vahideh Abdollahi abdi ansar; Eskandar Fathiazar; Nida Abdollahi
Volume 2, Issue 7 , February 2015, , Pages 41-52
This research is studying the relationship of critical thinking, with creativity, self-efficacy beliefs and academic performance in teacher - students in Farhangian university of Sanandaj city. The research method is descriptive – correlation. Population of research was 213 male and female teacher ...
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This research is studying the relationship of critical thinking, with creativity, self-efficacy beliefs and academic performance in teacher - students in Farhangian university of Sanandaj city. The research method is descriptive – correlation. Population of research was 213 male and female teacher - student in three academic groups: humanities, science and mathematics that they have been chosen by stratified random sampling method. Three questionnaires were used for collecting data: California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI), Creative and General Self – Efficacy (GSE) and also average marks of students. Pearson correlation test, t-test and multiple regression test have been employed for analyzing data. The findings of research showed that there was not meaningful relationship between critical thinking and academic performance. Variables of creativity and self - efficacy beliefs are predicting critical thinking in a positive direction. Also there was a significant difference between male and female teacher - student in critical thinking and creativity. But there was not a significant deference between self - efficacy of male and female teacher - students.