Keywords = Academic Engagement
Investigating the Psychometric Characteristics of Students' Academic Engagement Scale

Volume 12, Issue 1, 2024, Pages 21-32


Maryam Mohsenpour; Hora Almousavi; Molok Khademi Ashkaziri

The Effect of a Positive Psycho-Educational Program on Students' Coping Styles and Academic Well-being

Volume 9, Issue 2, December 2021, Pages 23-38


Gholam Reza Abbasi; jalil fathabadi; Omid Shokri; Majid Zargham Hajebi

The Effect of Attributional Retraining Program on Achievement Emotions and Academic Engagement Among University Students

Volume 4, Issue 16, May 2017, Pages 23-38

Zahra gashtasebi; Omid Shokri; Jalil fathabadi; Masoud Sharifi