In collaboration with Payame Noor University and Iran Educational Psychology Association

Document Type : Research



Presenting an exact and comprehensive definition of the quality of teaching and learning is not possible because the quality of a general theory or a general pattern is not accessible. For this reason, achieving a consensus on the characteristics of quality is hard. Therefore, it is better to place the emphasis on the quality, rather than on specific definition.
This study aims to investigate the factors affecting the quality of teaching and learning from the viewpoints of faculty members of Fars Payame Noor University and Shiraz University of medical sciences.
The research method is correlation. The statistical population of this research includes all the members of Fars Payame Noor University and University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Fars, and the data were assessed by the tests of exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis.
The Seven factors explain 64.152 percent of the total variance in the quality of teaching and learning, and the questions loadings lower than 0/45 was excluded. The model chi-square and degrees of freedom are 306.859 and 226 and the P-value is greater than 0.05 which represent a good fit of the model.
Of the ten factors, three factors were excluded and seven factors of the followings were involved: information and research, evaluation, planning, quality, university support, training, customer equipment and other components using the indexes of seven questions in the quality of education and learning.


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