Academic Achievement
Assessment of Student Achievement Through Educational Quality, Academ-ic Engagement, Peer-Assisted Learning and Academic Motivation: (A Study at Two Levels of Student and Teacher) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-24]
Academic Boredom
Presenting a Causal Model of Relationship between Class Psychosocial Climate and Academic Boredom, and the Mediating Role of Task Value [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-80]
Academic Dishonesty
A Model to Explain the Relationship of the Big Five Personality Factors and Academic Dishonesty with Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Academic Self-Esteem among Students [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 23-34]
Aca-demic Engagement
Assessment of Student Achievement Through Educational Quality, Academ-ic Engagement, Peer-Assisted Learning and Academic Motivation: (A Study at Two Levels of Student and Teacher) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-24]
Academic Engagement
The Role of Self-determination on Academic Performance in Adolescent students with Mediating Academic Engagement and Attitude toward E-learning [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 85-100]
Academic Engage-ment
Effects of Mindfulness on Students’ Working Memory and Academic En-gagement [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 91-99]
Academic Motivation
Assessment of Student Achievement Through Educational Quality, Academ-ic Engagement, Peer-Assisted Learning and Academic Motivation: (A Study at Two Levels of Student and Teacher) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-24]
Academic Performance
The Role of Self-determination on Academic Performance in Adolescent students with Mediating Academic Engagement and Attitude toward E-learning [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 85-100]
Academic Self–Concept
Structural Relationship between Perceived Difficulty, Social Comparison and Academic Self-Concept with Academic Adjustment of BA Students Urmia University [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Academic self-efficacy
The causal model academic cheating based on individual and contextual factors with the mediating role academic Self-Efficacy [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 43-66]
Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs
A Model to Explain the Relationship of the Big Five Personality Factors and Academic Dishonesty with Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Academic Self-Esteem among Students [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 23-34]
Academic Self-Esteem
A Model to Explain the Relationship of the Big Five Personality Factors and Academic Dishonesty with Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Academic Self-Esteem among Students [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 23-34]
Assessment of
Examining the Quality of Teachers' Classroom Assessment: A Mixed Methods Research [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 63-84]
A Comparison of the Memory and Attention Profiles in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder with Normal Students [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 33-42]
Attention - Deficit/ Hyperactivity
A Comparison of the Memory and Attention Profiles in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder with Normal Students [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 33-42]
Attitude toward E-learning
The Role of Self-determination on Academic Performance in Adolescent students with Mediating Academic Engagement and Attitude toward E-learning [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 85-100]
Factors Affecting on the Development of the Attractiveness of Electronic Books
(Studied Secondary School Teachers in Isfahan) [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-62]
Big Five Factor Personality
A Model to Explain the Relationship of the Big Five Personality Factors and Academic Dishonesty with Mediating Role of Academic Self-Efficacy Beliefs and Academic Self-Esteem among Students [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 23-34]
Bullying Behavior
A Comparison Study of Bullying Behavior, School Bonding and Social Compe-tence in Bully and Pro-Bully Students [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 71-82]
Classroom Assessment
Examining the Quality of Teachers' Classroom Assessment: A Mixed Methods Research [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 63-84]
Classroom Psychosocial Climate
Presenting a Causal Model of Relationship between Class Psychosocial Climate and Academic Boredom, and the Mediating Role of Task Value [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-80]
Communicative Language Teaching Ap-proach
The Effect of Connectivism Instructional Method on Students in Compar-sion with Communicative and Grammar - Translation Methods [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 39-52]
Comparative Examination
The Comparative Study of E-Training of Psychology in the Open Universities of World [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
Farsi Version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory: A Psychometric Study [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 25-38]
Confirmatory Factor Analysis
The properties of the student Engagement Multidimensional Scale in School [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 83-92]
Connectivism Theory
The Effect of Connectivism Instructional Method on Students in Compar-sion with Communicative and Grammar - Translation Methods [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 39-52]
Content Knowledge
presentinga causal model of factors affecting high school teachers΄ techno-logical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 73-84]
Identifying the Components of the Development of Talent for Nongovernmen-tal Schools, Based on a Fundamentally Based Data Approach, Providing a Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-70]
Factors Affecting on the Development of the Attractiveness of Electronic Books
(Studied Secondary School Teachers in Isfahan) [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-62]
E- Higher Education
Explanation of Self-Directed Learning based on ICT Literacy rate of Students Department of Engineering Sciences E-Learning Courses about: The University of MehrAlborz [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 35-50]
E-Learning System
Cultural Features of Iranian Learners in the E-Learning System [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 85-98]
Electronic Training
The Comparative Study of E-Training of Psychology in the Open Universities of World [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 99-116]
A Structural Model of the Mediator of Self-Regulation, Knowledge and Aware-ness in Relationship Between of Attitude to Information Communications Technology and Empowerment to Usage with Manager in High School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 81-90]
English academic Engagement
The Effect of Connectivism Instructional Method on Students in Compar-sion with Communicative and Grammar - Translation Methods [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 39-52]
Environmental Culture
The Role of Social Networks on Promoting the Environmental Culture of Teachers: A WhatsApp Case Study [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 93-100]
Exploratory factor analysis
The properties of the student Engagement Multidimensional Scale in School [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 83-92]
For and as Learning (AOL/ AFL/ AAL)
Examining the Quality of Teachers' Classroom Assessment: A Mixed Methods Research [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 63-84]
Graduate students
Causal Model of Graduate Students of Research Engagement and Research Autonomy: the Mediating Role of Meaning of Education [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Grammar-Translation Teaching Approach
The Effect of Connectivism Instructional Method on Students in Compar-sion with Communicative and Grammar - Translation Methods [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 39-52]
Hidden Curriculum
Examining the relationship between hidden curriculum, motivational beliefs, and entrepreneurship of students in Payame Noor University [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 101-109]
ICT Literacy
Explanation of Self-Directed Learning based on ICT Literacy rate of Students Department of Engineering Sciences E-Learning Courses about: The University of MehrAlborz [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 35-50]
Ine-quality Consequences
Experience of Female Students from Gender Concept Reflection in School Textbooks: Phenomenological Research [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-20]
Intellectual Students
Contrastive Analysis of Language Performance between Intellectual Male Students and Normal Students in Secondary School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 57-66]
Contrastive Analysis of Language Performance between Intellectual Male Students and Normal Students in Secondary School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 57-66]
Internal Consisten-cy
Farsi Version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory: A Psychometric Study [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 25-38]
Iranian Learner
Cultural Features of Iranian Learners in the E-Learning System [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 85-98]
Knowledge and Awareness
A Structural Model of the Mediator of Self-Regulation, Knowledge and Aware-ness in Relationship Between of Attitude to Information Communications Technology and Empowerment to Usage with Manager in High School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Language Per-formance
Contrastive Analysis of Language Performance between Intellectual Male Students and Normal Students in Secondary School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 57-66]
Identifying, Compiling, and Validating the Teaching and Learning Indica-tors in Rankings of Universities [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 47-56]
Identifying the Components of the Development of Talent for Nongovernmen-tal Schools, Based on a Fundamentally Based Data Approach, Providing a Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-70]
Meaning of Education
Causal Model of Graduate Students of Research Engagement and Research Autonomy: the Mediating Role of Meaning of Education [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Memory Profile
A Comparison of the Memory and Attention Profiles in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder with Normal Students [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 33-42]
Effects of Mindfulness on Students’ Working Memory and Academic En-gagement [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 91-99]
Mixed Methods Research
Examining the Quality of Teachers' Classroom Assessment: A Mixed Methods Research [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 63-84]
Multilevel Analysis
Assessment of Student Achievement Through Educational Quality, Academ-ic Engagement, Peer-Assisted Learning and Academic Motivation: (A Study at Two Levels of Student and Teacher) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-24]
Multimedia Learning
The Effect of the Method of Presenting Educational Materials in Multime-dia Learning Environment on Recalling Vocabulary with the Mediation of Verbal Fluidity [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 23-32]
Nongovernmental Schools
Identifying the Components of the Development of Talent for Nongovernmen-tal Schools, Based on a Fundamentally Based Data Approach, Providing a Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-70]
Normal Student
Contrastive Analysis of Language Performance between Intellectual Male Students and Normal Students in Secondary School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 57-66]
Open Universities in the World
The Comparative Study of E-Training of Psychology in the Open Universities of World [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 99-116]
Oppositional Defiant
A Comparison of the Memory and Attention Profiles in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder with Normal Students [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 33-42]
Payame Noor University
Systematic Review of Conducted Studies on Payame Noor University [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 33-46]
Pedagogical Knowledge
presentinga causal model of factors affecting high school teachers΄ techno-logical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 73-84]
Peer-Assisted Learning
Assessment of Student Achievement Through Educational Quality, Academ-ic Engagement, Peer-Assisted Learning and Academic Motivation: (A Study at Two Levels of Student and Teacher) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-24]
Perceived Difficulty
Structural Relationship between Perceived Difficulty, Social Comparison and Academic Self-Concept with Academic Adjustment of BA Students Urmia University [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Experience of Female Students from Gender Concept Reflection in School Textbooks: Phenomenological Research [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-20]
Presenting Method
The Effect of the Method of Presenting Educational Materials in Multime-dia Learning Environment on Recalling Vocabulary with the Mediation of Verbal Fluidity [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 23-32]
A Comparison Study of Bullying Behavior, School Bonding and Social Compe-tence in Bully and Pro-Bully Students [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 71-82]
Psychometric properties
The properties of the student Engagement Multidimensional Scale in School [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 83-92]
Quality of Education
Assessment of Student Achievement Through Educational Quality, Academ-ic Engagement, Peer-Assisted Learning and Academic Motivation: (A Study at Two Levels of Student and Teacher) [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 9-24]
Rankings of Universities
Identifying, Compiling, and Validating the Teaching and Learning Indica-tors in Rankings of Universities [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 47-56]
Recalling Vocabulary
The Effect of the Method of Presenting Educational Materials in Multime-dia Learning Environment on Recalling Vocabulary with the Mediation of Verbal Fluidity [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 23-32]
Systematic Review of Conducted Studies on Payame Noor University [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 33-46]
Research Autonomy
Causal Model of Graduate Students of Research Engagement and Research Autonomy: the Mediating Role of Meaning of Education [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Research Engagement
Causal Model of Graduate Students of Research Engagement and Research Autonomy: the Mediating Role of Meaning of Education [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 9-22]
School Bonding
A Comparison Study of Bullying Behavior, School Bonding and Social Compe-tence in Bully and Pro-Bully Students [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 71-82]
The Role of Self-determination on Academic Performance in Adolescent students with Mediating Academic Engagement and Attitude toward E-learning [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 85-100]
Self- Directed Learning
Explanation of Self-Directed Learning based on ICT Literacy rate of Students Department of Engineering Sciences E-Learning Courses about: The University of MehrAlborz [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 35-50]
A Structural Model of the Mediator of Self-Regulation, Knowledge and Aware-ness in Relationship Between of Attitude to Information Communications Technology and Empowerment to Usage with Manager in High School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Social communication disorder
A Comparison of the Memory and Attention Profiles in Students with Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Oppositional Defiant Disorder and Social (Pragmatic) Communication Disorder with Normal Students [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 33-42]
Social Comparison
Structural Relationship between Perceived Difficulty, Social Comparison and Academic Self-Concept with Academic Adjustment of BA Students Urmia University [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 9-22]
Social Compe-tence
A Comparison Study of Bullying Behavior, School Bonding and Social Compe-tence in Bully and Pro-Bully Students [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 71-82]
Structural Model
A Structural Model of the Mediator of Self-Regulation, Knowledge and Aware-ness in Relationship Between of Attitude to Information Communications Technology and Empowerment to Usage with Manager in High School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Systematic Reviewing
Systematic Review of Conducted Studies on Payame Noor University [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 33-46]
Identifying the Components of the Development of Talent for Nongovernmen-tal Schools, Based on a Fundamentally Based Data Approach, Providing a Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-70]
Talent Management
Identifying the Components of the Development of Talent for Nongovernmen-tal Schools, Based on a Fundamentally Based Data Approach, Providing a Model [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 53-70]
Task Value
Presenting a Causal Model of Relationship between Class Psychosocial Climate and Academic Boredom, and the Mediating Role of Task Value [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 67-80]
Teacher Emotion Inventory (TEI)
Farsi Version of the Teacher Emotion Inventory: A Psychometric Study [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 25-38]
Examining the Quality of Teachers' Classroom Assessment: A Mixed Methods Research [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 63-84]
Identifying, Compiling, and Validating the Teaching and Learning Indica-tors in Rankings of Universities [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 47-56]
Techno-logical Knowledge
presentinga causal model of factors affecting high school teachers΄ techno-logical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 73-84]
Experience of Female Students from Gender Concept Reflection in School Textbooks: Phenomenological Research [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 9-20]
The Ability to Interact with Book and Flexibility
Factors Affecting on the Development of the Attractiveness of Electronic Books
(Studied Secondary School Teachers in Isfahan) [Volume 5, Issue 1, 2017, Pages 51-62]
The quality of school life
Prediction attitude towards school based on the quality of school life and perception of the classroom [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 21-32]
presentinga causal model of factors affecting high school teachers΄ techno-logical pedagogical content knowledge (TPACK) [Volume 5, Issue 3, 2017, Pages 73-84]
Use of Information and Communication Technology
A Structural Model of the Mediator of Self-Regulation, Knowledge and Aware-ness in Relationship Between of Attitude to Information Communications Technology and Empowerment to Usage with Manager in High School [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 81-90]
Identifying, Compiling, and Validating the Teaching and Learning Indica-tors in Rankings of Universities [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 47-56]
Verbal Fluidity
The Effect of the Method of Presenting Educational Materials in Multime-dia Learning Environment on Recalling Vocabulary with the Mediation of Verbal Fluidity [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 23-32]
The Role of Social Networks on Promoting the Environmental Culture of Teachers: A WhatsApp Case Study [Volume 5, Issue 4, 2017, Pages 93-100]
Working memory
Effects of Mindfulness on Students’ Working Memory and Academic En-gagement [Volume 5, Issue 2, 2017, Pages 91-99]