Academic Achievement
The Relation of Mindfulness to Happiness and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Academic Buoyancy [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 75-90]
Academic emotions
The relationship between family communication patterns and academic emotions with the mediator role of the academic identity [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 91-106]
Academic Engagement
Developing a Causal Model of Academic Engagement based on Loneliness with the Mediating Role of Corona Stress [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 21-32]
Academic identity
The relationship between family communication patterns and academic emotions with the mediator role of the academic identity [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 91-106]
Academic Motivation
The Effectiveness of Positive Parenting Education for Mothers on Executive Functions and Academic Motivation of Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 87-96]
Academic Optimism
The Structural Model of Academic Optimism Based on Parenting Styles with the Mediating Role of Parents' Positive Perfectionism in Secondary School Students of Khorramabad City [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 9-20]
Academic Resilience
Prediction of Academic Vitality and Resilience Based on E-Learning Skills by Mediating Role of Students' Academic Excitement in Virtual Education [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 79-90]
Academic Resilience
Relationship between Perceived Social Support and Academic Resilience with students' Test Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 61-70]
Academic Stress
Investigating the Role of Negative Perfectionism and Experiential Avoidance in Academic Stress with Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation in Yazd University Students [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 59-76]
Academic Support
Testing the Cyberbullying Model in the Post-Corona: The Role of Academic Support and Psychological Capital (Case Study: High School Students in Shi-raz) [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 47-58]
Academic vitality
Prediction of Academic Vitality and Resilience Based on E-Learning Skills by Mediating Role of Students' Academic Excitement in Virtual Education [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 79-90]
Achievement Emotions
The Relationship Between Mental Toughness with Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle in Gifted Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Achievement Emotions and Coping Styles [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 29-46]
Prioritizing Indicators Related to Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teaching: A Case of Persian Gulf University [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 35-46]
Designing a Unified Model of Curriculum Components and Aesthetic Education in Higher Education [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 61-74]
Brain-Based Application
The Effect of Instructional Application According to brain-based Learning on Learning and Retention in Science Course of Second Grade Elementary Students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 21-34]
Brain-Based Learning
The Effect of Instructional Application According to brain-based Learning on Learning and Retention in Science Course of Second Grade Elementary Students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 21-34]
Classroom Purposeful Management
Construction and Validation of a Virtual Classroom Purposeful Management Questionnaire [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 23-34]
Cognitive Ability
The Effectiveness of "Stern" Educational Intervention on Cognitive Flexibil-ity, Academic Excitement, Organizing Skills, Cognitive Ability (Naming Speed, Symbol Translation) of Children Aged 10-12 with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 47-60]
Cognitive Flexibility
The Effectiveness of "Stern" Educational Intervention on Cognitive Flexibil-ity, Academic Excitement, Organizing Skills, Cognitive Ability (Naming Speed, Symbol Translation) of Children Aged 10-12 with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 47-60]
Critical Thinking and Self-Control
The study of effectiveness of cyberspace literacy On cyber victimization Experiences, self-control and critical thinking of students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 97-108]
Curriculum design
Designing a Unified Model of Curriculum Components and Aesthetic Education in Higher Education [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 61-74]
Cyberspace Literacy
The study of effectiveness of cyberspace literacy On cyber victimization Experiences, self-control and critical thinking of students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 97-108]
Prioritizing Indicators Related to Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teaching: A Case of Persian Gulf University [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 35-46]
Distance Education System
Identification, Analysis and Prioritization of Success Indicators on Quality in Distance Education System: The Case of Payame Noor University [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 67-86]
Evaluation of Germane Cognitive Load in E-Learning Based on Student’s Metacognitive Knowledge and Quality of E-Learning Service (SERVQUAL) [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 93-102]
Evaluation of Germane Cognitive Load in E-Learning Based on Student’s Metacognitive Knowledge and Quality of E-Learning Service (SERVQUAL) [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 93-102]
Executive Functions
The Effectiveness of Positive Parenting Education for Mothers on Executive Functions and Academic Motivation of Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 87-96]
Experimental Avoidance
Investigating the Role of Negative Perfectionism and Experiential Avoidance in Academic Stress with Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation in Yazd University Students [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 59-76]
Family communication patterns
The relationship between family communication patterns and academic emotions with the mediator role of the academic identity [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 91-106]
Fear of Negative Evaluation
Investigating the Role of Negative Perfectionism and Experiential Avoidance in Academic Stress with Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation in Yazd University Students [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 59-76]
Higher Education
Designing a Unified Model of Curriculum Components and Aesthetic Education in Higher Education [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 61-74]
High School Students
Investigating the Mediating Role of Competence Perception in the Relation-ship between Teacher Support Perception and Students' Academic Demotivation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 77-92]
The Effectiveness of Positive Parenting Education for Mothers on Executive Functions and Academic Motivation of Children with Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 87-96]
Identification, Analysis and Prioritization of Success Indicators on Quality in Distance Education System: The Case of Payame Noor University [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 67-86]
Prioritizing Indicators Related to Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teaching: A Case of Persian Gulf University [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 35-46]
Identification, Analysis and Prioritization of Success Indicators on Quality in Distance Education System: The Case of Payame Noor University [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 67-86]
The Effect of Instructional Application According to brain-based Learning on Learning and Retention in Science Course of Second Grade Elementary Students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 21-34]
Learning Disorders
The Explanation Model of Nonverbal Learning Disability by Neuropsychological Skills and Learning Disabilities in 8 to 12 Years Female Students [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 103-112]
Learning Styles
Relationship between Learning Styles, Problem Solving, Sensation Seeking and Cultural Intelligence with Risk of Perception: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 9-20]
LMS system
Validation of Student Satisfaction Questionnaire of Payam Noor University E-Learning System (LMS) [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 51-60]
Developing a Causal Model of Academic Engagement based on Loneliness with the Mediating Role of Corona Stress [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 21-32]
Compilation and Validation of the TIMSS Numeracy and TIMSS 2015 Math-ematics Examination Short Form for 4th-Grade Primary Students in Knowing and Reasoning [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 9-22]
Mental Toughness
The Relationship Between Mental Toughness with Health-Oriented Academic Lifestyle in Gifted Adolescents: The Mediating Role of Achievement Emotions and Coping Styles [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 29-46]
The Relation of Mindfulness to Happiness and Academic Achievement: The Mediating Role of Academic Buoyancy [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 75-90]
The Relationship between Organizational Culture of School and Teachers’ Work Motivation Considering the Intermediary Role of Psychological Em-powerment (Case Study: Public Elementary Schools in Eslamabad-e Gharb) [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 33-50]
Motor-Perceptual Development
Impact of Virtual Reality on Perceptual Motor Performance of Adolescent Taekwondo Girls [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 71-78]
Negative Perfectionism
Investigating the Role of Negative Perfectionism and Experiential Avoidance in Academic Stress with Mediating Role of Fear of Negative Evaluation in Yazd University Students [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 59-76]
Nonverbal Learning Disorders
The Explanation Model of Nonverbal Learning Disability by Neuropsychological Skills and Learning Disabilities in 8 to 12 Years Female Students [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 103-112]
Organizational Skills
The Effectiveness of "Stern" Educational Intervention on Cognitive Flexibil-ity, Academic Excitement, Organizing Skills, Cognitive Ability (Naming Speed, Symbol Translation) of Children Aged 10-12 with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 47-60]
Parenting Styles
The Structural Model of Academic Optimism Based on Parenting Styles with the Mediating Role of Parents' Positive Perfectionism in Secondary School Students of Khorramabad City [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 9-20]
Payam Noor University
Validation of Student Satisfaction Questionnaire of Payam Noor University E-Learning System (LMS) [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 51-60]
Perceived Social Support
Relationship between Perceived Social Support and Academic Resilience with students' Test Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 61-70]
Perception of Teachers' Sup-port
Investigating the Mediating Role of Competence Perception in the Relation-ship between Teacher Support Perception and Students' Academic Demotivation [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 77-92]
The Structural Model of Academic Optimism Based on Parenting Styles with the Mediating Role of Parents' Positive Perfectionism in Secondary School Students of Khorramabad City [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 9-20]
Prioritizing Indicators Related to Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teaching: A Case of Persian Gulf University [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 35-46]
Problem Solv-ing
Relationship between Learning Styles, Problem Solving, Sensation Seeking and Cultural Intelligence with Risk of Perception: The Mediating Role of Emotion Regulation [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 9-20]
Psychological Capital
Testing the Cyberbullying Model in the Post-Corona: The Role of Academic Support and Psychological Capital (Case Study: High School Students in Shi-raz) [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 47-58]
Reading Comprehension
Intensive Teaching Inference Intervention for Secondary Elementary Stu-dents with Specific Reading Comprehension Disability: A Reversal Single-Case Design [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 9-28]
Construction and Validation of a Virtual Classroom Purposeful Management Questionnaire [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 23-34]
Satisfaction with E-learning
Validation of Student Satisfaction Questionnaire of Payam Noor University E-Learning System (LMS) [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 51-60]
The Relationship between Organizational Culture of School and Teachers’ Work Motivation Considering the Intermediary Role of Psychological Em-powerment (Case Study: Public Elementary Schools in Eslamabad-e Gharb) [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 33-50]
Second step program
The Effectiveness of the Second Step Psychoeducational Program on Increas-ing the Emotional-Social Competence of Elementary School Students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 47-66]
Evaluation of Germane Cognitive Load in E-Learning Based on Student’s Metacognitive Knowledge and Quality of E-Learning Service (SERVQUAL) [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 93-102]
Single-subject design
Intensive Teaching Inference Intervention for Secondary Elementary Stu-dents with Specific Reading Comprehension Disability: A Reversal Single-Case Design [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 9-28]
Special Learning Disability
The Effectiveness of "Stern" Educational Intervention on Cognitive Flexibil-ity, Academic Excitement, Organizing Skills, Cognitive Ability (Naming Speed, Symbol Translation) of Children Aged 10-12 with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 47-60]
Specific learning disorder
Intensive Teaching Inference Intervention for Secondary Elementary Stu-dents with Specific Reading Comprehension Disability: A Reversal Single-Case Design [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 9-28]
Stern Educational
The Effectiveness of "Stern" Educational Intervention on Cognitive Flexibil-ity, Academic Excitement, Organizing Skills, Cognitive Ability (Naming Speed, Symbol Translation) of Children Aged 10-12 with Special Learning Disabilities [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 47-60]
Systematic Review
A System of Indicators for Assessing the Teacher Readiness in Primary Education: a Systematic Review [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 109-125]
Impact of Virtual Reality on Perceptual Motor Performance of Adolescent Taekwondo Girls [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 71-78]
Identification, Analysis and Prioritization of Success Indicators on Quality in Distance Education System: The Case of Payame Noor University [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 67-86]
The Relationship between Organizational Culture of School and Teachers’ Work Motivation Considering the Intermediary Role of Psychological Em-powerment (Case Study: Public Elementary Schools in Eslamabad-e Gharb) [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 33-50]
Teaching Inferences
Intensive Teaching Inference Intervention for Secondary Elementary Stu-dents with Specific Reading Comprehension Disability: A Reversal Single-Case Design [Volume 10, Issue 4, 2022-2023, Pages 9-28]
Teaching Organ-ization
Identification, Analysis and Prioritization of Success Indicators on Quality in Distance Education System: The Case of Payame Noor University [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 67-86]
Test Anxiety
Relationship between Perceived Social Support and Academic Resilience with students' Test Anxiety [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 61-70]
TIMSS Numeracy and TIMSS 2015
Compilation and Validation of the TIMSS Numeracy and TIMSS 2015 Math-ematics Examination Short Form for 4th-Grade Primary Students in Knowing and Reasoning [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 9-22]
Construction and Validation of a Virtual Classroom Purposeful Management Questionnaire [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 23-34]
Victimization of Cyber Bullying
The study of effectiveness of cyberspace literacy On cyber victimization Experiences, self-control and critical thinking of students [Volume 10, Issue 1, 2022-2023, Pages 97-108]
Virtual Educa-tion
Construction and Validation of a Virtual Classroom Purposeful Management Questionnaire [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 23-34]
Virtual Learning
Prioritizing Indicators Related to Advantages and Disadvantages of Virtual Teaching: A Case of Persian Gulf University [Volume 10, Issue 3, 2022-2023, Pages 35-46]
Virtual Reality Exercises
Impact of Virtual Reality on Perceptual Motor Performance of Adolescent Taekwondo Girls [Volume 10, Issue 2, 2022-2023, Pages 71-78]